Hawaiians ripped off again

Meanwhile, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs sits on a $600 million surplus and sues the state for more.

Here we go again.

It seems like every decade or so another “searing” audit blasts the Office of Hawaiian Affairs for mismanagement and insider dealing while thousands of indigent Hawaiians remain neglected.

A news account of the latest draft audit paints a picture of rampant misspending, favoritism, and secrecy, as OHA trustees indulge their royal pretensions and dole out crumbs from the public purse to beneficiaries who know the right people and/or grovel sufficiently.

Trustees sue each other over what seem to amount to personal animosities, and sue the state itself after decades of previous litigation over money grabs.

Meanwhile, OHA sits on a $600 million surplus while so many Hawaiians remain homeless or otherwise impoverished.

What other branch of state government gets to run a $600 million surplus?  And still keeps demanding more?

Sometimes I wonder if it wouldn’t be better to just put an end to all this by abolishing OHA and putting the money to good use.

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